Diversão & Arte

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Eu conheci essa página ano passado, circulou no facebook. Achei realmente bacana e reporto aqui como dica para o dia de hoje:  “A gestão de expectativas é a chave para um longo e feliz relacionamento”… Pensa que é só gerenciar suas finanças e tudo bem?? Nada disso…  😉

“14 Ways an Economist Says I Love You

Give your loved one a nerdy Valentine and they’ll be yours forever! Why? Because if you give them diamonds/cufflinks this year, anything you get them next year will fall short. Give them one of these and anything they receive next year will be a step up. It’s called expectation management and is the key to a long and happy relationship. On that dismal (science heyoo) note, Happy Valentine’s Day.

Source: http://fosslien.com/heart/ ”



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